Partonomy list P3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress


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Top level digestive system Short Extended
Level 2 large intestine Short Extended
Current level rectum Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
14544 2629 tax
15719 2630 tax
sacral flexure of rectum
flexura sacralis recti
76600 2631 tax
lateral flexures of rectum
flexurae laterales recti
66305 2632 tax
superior lateral flexure ; superodextral lateral flexure
flexura lateralis superior ; flexura superodextra lateralis
66306 2633 tax
intermediate lateral flexure ; intermediosinistral lateral flexure
flexura lateralis intermedia ; flexura intermediosinistra lateralis
66307 2634 tax
inferior lateral flexure ; inferodextral lateral flexure
flexura lateralis inferior ; flexura inferodextra lateralis
15722 2635 tax
transverse folds of rectum
plicae transversae recti
66301 16070 tax
superior transverse fold of rectum
plica transversa recti superior
66302 16071 tax
middle transverse fold of rectum
plica transversa recti media
66303 16072 tax
inferior transverse fold of rectum
plica transversa recti inferior
15721 2636 tax
rectal ampulla
ampulla recti
16024 tax
layers of rectum P4 8 children
laminae recti
77243 2644 tax
lateral ligament of rectum ; rectal stalk
ligamentum recti laterale
13 lines
69.2 %
76.9 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 2629
Sublist 1 16024 laminae recti 8/9 on 16.12.2024
Subtotals subchildren 8 subunits 9
Proper children 12
Number of children 20 (validated)
Proper units 12
Number of units 21 (validated)
Signature 22108 (validated since 16.12.2024)
Date: 21.12.2024